1 in 5 classed
‘special needs’
One child in five is now
classed as special needs,
reports the Daily Mail.
Official figures recently
revealed that the numbers
have doubled over the past
20 years to 1.65m as pupils
are increasingly labelled as
having behavioural or
speech difficulties.
Whilst some apportion
blame on the culture of
entertaining kids with TV
and computer games or a
lack of boundaries at home,
others believe the increase
is “fuelled by a growing
tendency to label anti-social
traits as medical
conditions,” or by parents
wanting to diagnose
conditions in order to “play
the system” and get extra
time in exams.
Database roll out
The controversial database
holding details of every
child in England has been
rolled out to childcare
professionals for the first
time. ContactPoint had
been delayed several times
due to data security fears
but the government believes
it is vital to prevent children
slipping through the net.
Many headteachers,
however, have grave
concerns that data will be
misused and continue to
voice their opposition.
Scouting for Bear
Bear Grylls has been
appointed Chief Scout, as
waiting lists to join Scout
groups reach an all time
high. Talking on Radio 1,
Bear said that, for kids,
Scouts is more than just the
oath, it is “a great chance to
grab life, to go for a bit of
adventure. The Scout
values are great as they
teach kids about teamwork
and friendships.”
The basis for Bear’s spirit
of adventure and survival
techniques come from
scouting, when, aged 8, he
was given one sausage and
one match and told to cook it:
“When I was 8, I didn’t have
much confidence. Scouts
gave me the confidence to
just go for things!”
Schools’ Flu Prep
Concern continues to rise
over the global distribution
of a possible vaccine against
swine flu. Whilst wealthy
countries like Britain and the
US have pre-ordered large
stocks of the vaccine, even
before a single drop has been
produced, pharmaceutical
companies are being called
on to increase capacity and
to produce vaccines at a fair
price so that poorer countries
are not left stranded. Medical
observers are also calling for
vaccines to be allocated fairly
to countries with the greatest
need during an outbreak
rather than to those with the
biggest pockets.
However, it will be months
before a vaccine is even
produced in the quantities
necessary. In the meantime,
schools are putting into place
plans to deal with potential
The DCSF has
produced detailed model
guidance available to every
school to enable them to
put emergency plans for the
day -to-day running of the
school, school trips, exam
contingencies and closures
into place.
Pick up a Picnic
The picnic is back, says the
Daily Express. Supermarkets
are already seeing a 33%
rise in sales of scotch eggs
and sausage rolls, as a hot
summer is forecast and
parents choose UK holidays
for their kids this year.
Analysts calculate that this
could result in £250m being
spent on picnic food and a
20% rise in sales of
hampers, rugs and flasks . . .
so the recession’s not all
doom and gloom!
Compulsory Science SATS
tests for 11 year olds are to
be scrapped following a
review of the exams. The
government is now facing a
showdown with teachers’
unions as teachers vote to
boycott the Key Stage 2
tests in 2010 for all subjects.
This will hopefully put an
end to the ‘tyranny of
testing’, says Mick Brookes,
of the National Association
of Head Teachers.
Perhaps an end to the
Science tests at least will
see more children inspired
by the subject rather than
feeling pressurised by stressful
drilling and testing. See our
interview with James
Cracknell on the Science of
the Body