Desri Goodwin, founder of Splash About and expert nutritionist, gives us quickfire,
simple advice on how we can look after ourselves when life puts pressure on us
from all sides…
I am stressed out!
• Cut out stimulants – coffee, black tea, alcohol if
possible – while it helps relaxation initially, it is short
lived when you wake up at 2am because of it!
• Increase fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet.
• Increase intake of nuts and seeds such as pumpkin
seeds, almonds, cashews, brazils – much better
snacks than sugar and salt loaded snacks.
• Take a green powder mix or Spirulina and maybe
a good multi-vitamin and mineral complex.
I am run down!
• Sleep more and try meditation.
• Increase the good foods – fruit, vegetables,
sprouted* grain, seeds and nuts and beneficial
oils such as hemp, flax, olive and coconut. A fruit,
vegetable, seed and nut based diet is optimal for
health but if this is too radical choose to add lean,
organic meat, eggs and maybe replace some of
your meat meals with fish, especially oily fish. Try
to eat organic wherever possible, there are fewer
chemicals to process and generally more nutrients.
• Decrease the not so good – fats, white flour, rice,
pasta – stodge basically!
• Take a really good quality, highly absorbable,
multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and
probiotics unless you eat some probiotic live
yoghurt each day.
• Drink lots of water.
What do I do for common ailments like cold/flu/
• Cut out dairy products to lower mucus.
• Increase intake of Vitamin C – eat lots of multicoloured
fruits and vegetables, dark red berries,
dark green veggies, a good absorbable multivitamin
as above.
• Learn your triggers for headaches and migraines
by keeping a food diary for a month or two, then
avoid them!
I am really overtired!
• All of the above and if not using a good multivitamin
and mineral supplement, consider taking
some B vitamins and Magnesium.
What should/shouldn’t I eat to help me sleep
at night?
• Cut out coffee and black tea after 11am.
• Drink plenty of water throughout the day but not
throughout the evening so that you don’t have
to get up in the night to go to the loo.
• Eat as early as you can in the evening rather than
going to bed on a full stomach but at the same
time make sure you won’t wake up hungry.
• Milky drinks and puddings, chicken and bananas
can help you sleep.
• Maybe try a small bowl of slow releasing oaty
cereal before bed (make your own*).
• I do think milk should be cut out of our diet. Nut,
oat and rice milks are much better, especially if
you make your own*. Don’t worry about calcium,
there are lots of better alternatives.
Any home remedies/food advice passed down
through generations that are still worthwhile today?
• Drink lemon juice in water, eat your greens, an
apple a day keeps the doctor away, an hour of
sleep before midnight is worth more than an hour
after – there are lots more I am sure – all are really
good suggestions . . .
• Another good one is apple cider vinegar – it is
brilliant for so many things: gout, arthritis, spots,
digestion, losing weight and if you gently wipe
someone down with a solution of it and water
it can reduce a temperature.
• Ginger is great for inflammation as well as good
to relieve nausea. It even helps morning sickness.
Nutrition – a personal experience
I overcame illness through detoxing myself
completely and moving to a raw vegan diet for a
period of 6 months and then very high raw vegan for
about 4 years. Now at least 60% of my diet is made
up of raw fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds.
I have seen this way of eating have dramatic effects
on various illnesses, behavioural and mood problems,
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia, skin
conditions and energy levels. PMT was eradicated for
me when I ate this way, as were headaches, colds,
sleeplessness, tiredness never mind the illness itself.
I also looked 10 years younger!
We use powdered greens which include powdered
wheatgrass juice, chrystal manna, Spirulina and
barley grass juice which is a super booster to health
and energy and helps also to alkalize the body.
Spirulina is wonderful – full of iron and most vitamins
and minerals – it really is amazing! It doesn’t taste too
bad mixed into some apple juice or you can get it in
tablet form.
My son, who is at college and also zooming around
doing 15 hours a week of dance classes was recently
feeling quite run down. He is a vegetarian and a boy
living alone: “Mum, biscuits are cheaper than fruit” and
“How do you boil an egg again?”! And though he eats
lots of fruit he just doesn’t really use vegetables and
sticks to raw cabbage, carrots and iceburg lettuce in
winter. I gave him the green powder and within a week
he said he was buzzing with energy again – and his
spots were getting better – always a plus!
These are very general suggestions. Plenty of books
are available and my further advice and information
(marked here with an *) can be found on:
www.equilibria.fr I do advise you take some health
advice/see a doctor to have a check up if you feel
tired and run down for long.
My family and I swear by Keans Supreme
Greens from the Guarana company. They have
kindly offered a 10% discount off their 300gm
size pot to readers of my article! Please get the
code from www.equilibria.fr
Whilst running the hugely successful children’s
swimwear company, Splash About, Desri
Goodwin also runs Equilibria in South West
France with her husband Robin. Equilibria is a
place to find balance, health and peace and
to take time out to “just be”. They offer total
support for you in your own private space within
their home, in a wonderful setting in the French
countryside surrounded by vineyards, rolling hills
and oak woods.
Equilbria: www.equilibria.fr 0033 (0)545625396
Splash About: www.splashabout.net